we empower communities with essential road safety knowledge, fostering collective responsibility for safer roads.

At Dakshta Indian Road Safety Foundations, we believe that road safety is a shared responsibility that requires collective efforts from all stakeholders. Our organization strives to educate, enlighten, and empower individuals and communities with essential road safety skills and knowledge.

Dilip Kotwal


Farmer and social cause supporter

Aparna KOtwal

Aprna Kotwal


Software engineer with master of computer science and very good house wife and mother.

Sachin Kotwal


Software engineer with bachelor of Information Technology and real world problem solving enthusiast.


Road safety education is the process of imparting knowledge and skills to road users to promote responsible and safe behavior on the roads. It goes beyond learning traffic rules; it instills a sense of responsibility and vigilance that can save lives and prevent accidents.

Why Road Safety Education is Crucial

Reducing Road Accidents

Road safety education is vital in reducing the alarming number of road accidents that occur worldwide. By educating drivers about the importance of adhering to speed limits, avoiding distractions, and following traffic signals, the chances of accidents decrease significantly.

Protecting Vulnerable Road Users

Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists are more vulnerable to road accidents. Road safety education emphasizes the importance of sharing the road responsibly, making drivers more aware of the presence of these vulnerable users and reducing collisions.

Building a Safe Driving Culture

Integrating road safety education into society helps build a culture of safe driving. When road users are well-informed and follow best practices, the overall road environment becomes safer for everyone.

Implementing Road Safety Education

In Schools

Introducing road safety education in schools is crucial, as it reaches young minds and shapes their attitudes towards road use. Schools can incorporate road safety lessons in their curriculum and conduct workshops to teach children about pedestrian safety and responsible road-crossing habits.

In Driver Training Programs

Including road safety education in driver training programs is essential to equip new drivers with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate roads safely. This includes teaching defensive driving techniques, the dangers of driving under the influence, and the significance of seatbelt usage.

Through Public Awareness Campaigns

Public awareness campaigns play a pivotal role in spreading the message of road safety to the broader community. Government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations can organize campaigns to promote safe driving practices, discourage drunk driving, and encourage the use of helmets and seatbelts.

Road Safety Tips for Everyone

Tips for Pedestrians

  • Always use designated pedestrian crossings and footpaths.
  • Look left, right, and left again before crossing the road.
  • Avoid distractions like phones or headphones while walking near traffic.

Tips for Drivers

  • Obey speed limits and traffic signals at all times.
  • Avoid using mobile phones while driving.
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead to prevent collisions.

Tips for Cyclists

  • Wear a helmet and reflective clothing for visibility.
  • Use hand signals to indicate turns.
  • Follow traffic rules, including stopping at red lights


Road safety education is not only about following rules; it is a collective responsibility to create a safer road environment. By implementing effective road safety education, we can protect lives, reduce accidents, and foster a culture of responsible road usage. Stay informed, be vigilant, and drive safe to make our roads safer for everyone.

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